Stuyf Driver Training
Learn to drive the Stuyf Pickup and Stuyf Cargo safely and responsibly in traffic. The insurance company requires all users to complete driver training. These courses are provided by Stichting Veilig door het Verkeer, the official trainer for Stuyf driver training.
Stichting Veilig door het Verkeer is the training institution for light electric vehicles, with a social mission to promote education and knowledge sharing in road safety. They collaborate with affiliated driving school owners across the country.
The Stuyf training program includes practical on-site training. Upon successful completion, the participant receives a certificate. The training focuses on vehicle operation, vehicle control, and enhancing traffic awareness, helping drivers recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations.
The practical training is led by a certified driving instructor, who is responsible for ensuring the safe conduct of the driver’s training.
Group size & training duration
A training course should preferably last as long as a driver needs to understand the material. Some people need more time than others.
One Stuyf present on location:
In order to keep drivers’ attention and not keep people waiting too long, the group size is preferably a maximum of two people (in exceptional cases three people). On average, a training session then lasts about 2 hours.
Multiple Stuyfs present on location:
When more than one Stuyf is present, training can be done in groups of four. Training time is then approximately 3 hours.

Method of booking
- An organization applies for the driver’s training through
In the email, please include the following information:- At what location should the training take place?
- How many employees do you want to train?
- Preferences for days, parts of the day and/or dates?
- Is there already a Stuyf on site?
- The foundation seeks a trainer from its database. Driving trainer and organization then have direct contact about a date and time for practical training at the organization’s location.
- When the practical training is completed, the trainer completes a digital form with the result (pass or fail).
- Upon success, the foundation creates a certificate and sends it directly to the student and organization.
- After receiving the certificate, a student may drive the Stuyf.
- Driving school sends invoice to organization.
cost of training
The rate per person is € 75, – excluding VAT. This includes travel expenses from the trainer to the location. Please note that this rate applies to a minimum of four trainees to be trained.
For fewer than four trainees in one day, the trainer will agree on a custom price depending on the number of trainees to be trained + travel expenses.
More information about driving training can be found on the website of the Stichting Veilig door het Verkeer. The content of the training has been approved in writing by the Stuyf’s insurer (Steijnborg Assurantiën).