Easily transport children from school to
out-of-school care (Dutch market only).

Safe traffic conditions around schools
Childcare workers can independently pick up children from schools using the electric BSO bus. Specifically designed for after-school care, the BSO bus is the ideal solution for transporting up to 10 children (from 01-01-26 this changes to max. 8 children. Read more)
By using the BSO bus, there’s no need for taxi vehicles or large buses, helping create a safer traffic environment around schools.
Want to see and try the BSO bus for yourself? Simply request a test drive, and we’ll bring a BSO bus to your location.
bso bus in the Netherlands
The BSO bus has been driving the Dutch bike paths since 2020. And a lot of miles have been covered since then.
Specifications & colors
Max. 25 km
Max. 17 km/h
10 children*
loading capacity
Max. 330 kg
Battery charger
238 cm
112 cm
177 cm (incl. mirrors)
driver's license?
No driver's license, but special driver's training needed.
*Starting January 1, 2026, the maximum number of passengers will be 8 children. Read more.
Interested in a BSO bus? Request a quote for either purchase or subscription. You can also arrange a test drive first—just let us know, and we’ll bring a BSO bus to your location to see if it fits in your organization.
Ready to place an order? Simply fill in the required order, delivery, and invoice details. After submitting the form, you’ll receive a quotation via email within one business day. You can easily accept or cancel it, so there’s no obligation. A copy of your request will be sent to you by email immediately after submission.

In collaboration with Friesland Lease, we’ve developed the BSO bus subscription. This monthly subscription covers all your mobility needs, including insurance, maintenance, and service. If there’s an issue with the BSO bus, we’ll ensure you remain mobile.
The subscription is available for the BSO bus and includes a one-time purchase cost for the starter kit, along with a monthly subscription fee.
Every 5 years, we provide a new vehicle (starter kit & chassis). In the meantime, we maintain the chassis as needed, replace parts, and provide service whenever necessary.
driver's training
With the admission of the BSO bus, all drivers are required – by the insurance company and the covenant – to undergo driver’s training. These trainings can be arranged at Stichting Veilig door het Verkeer, the official trainer for the BSO bus driving skills training.
Training includes vehicle operation, vehicle control and increasing traffic insight so the driver learns to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

For the ‘special moped’ category, the BSO bus must be insured at the least for third-party liability (WA). A special insurance policy has been developed in cooperation with Steijnborg Assurantiën.
The insurance has third-party liability and comprehensive insurance coverage. Both damage to third parties and damage to the BSO bus are covered. The non-life passenger insurance (SVI) has a maximum insured sum of €1,000,000.
Full Service
When purchasing the BSO bus, you can opt for Full Service. An all-in service subscription for a fixed monthly fee, so that you do not have to worry about maintenance and service.
The BSO bus subscription includes Full Service. Tires and batteries are replaced timely. If there’s an issue with the BSO bus, we will make sure you stay mobile.
Our aim is to repair the vehicle before your next trip; in extreme cases within 24 hours. No additional charges for repairs. Annually scheduled maintenance is also included in the Full Service package.

BSO bus price
Are you interested in buying a BSO bus or starting a monthly subscription? Then request a quote using the button below.
BSO bus vs. Stint
What is a BSO bus? And how is it different from the old Stint? The BSO bus was approved for the public road in 2020, under the Special Mopeds Policy Rule. The BSO bus and the old Stint look similar on the outside, but are totally different in many ways. The BSO bus also complies with the Machinery Directive CE, making it unique in its kind.