Fill out the form below and receive the desired manual in your mailbox.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can't I just download my Stuyf or BSO bus manual?
This is because not all Stuyfs or Stint BSO buses have the same manual. Sometimes a vehicle contains slightly different parts, that causes manuals to differ from each other. We keep a vehicle overview, in which we can see exactly which manual you need for your Stuyf or Stint BSO bus.
What manual do I need for my Pickup, Cargo or BSO bus?
We can see that in our vehicle overview. Fill out the form above or just send an email to with your VIN number. Then we’ll send the manual to you.
What is the reporting code or VIN? And where can I find it?
The VIN number is the unique Vehicle Identification Number of your Pickup, Cargo or BSO bus. The number starts with a letter and consists of 17 characters. The report code is the shorter version of the VIN and starts with the last letter and the last 4 digits. For example, L0001. The VIN number can be found on the vehicle’s chassis, near the right front wheel. The report code can be found as a sticker on the driver’s seat.
Are there video instructions for the BSO bus instead of a manual?
Sure! On YouTube we explain to you in 10 minutes how the BSO bus works.
You can also watch several videos here. For example, for:
- Installing the rain hood of the Stint BSO bus
- Inflating the tires of the Stint BSO bus
- Charging the battery of the Stint BSO bus
Want to see and try the Stint BSO bus? Simply request a test drive and we will come to your location.