What happens if your Stuyfhas a flat tire or a broken rear light? A defect or malfunction causes downtime and is not something you want. But sometimes it happens anyway. That is why we offer Full Service for every vehicle. A 60-month warranty on the entire Stuyf. We aim to repair your vehicle before your next ride; repairs or a replacement vehicle within 24 hours at most.
We also schedule on-site annual maintenance where we check your vehicle for worn components. And when necessary, we replace them. For example tires or batteries. We also check the operation of mechanical and hydraulic parts, such as brakes and steering.
We started to offer Full Service in 2014 since drivers can’t go to a garage or bike service shop. For that reason, we designed and built the Stuyf with Full Service in mind. Our team of mechanics drive all day to keep your vehicles operational and increase uptime.