Zero Emission Urban Distribution in Leiden

Where big delivery trucks shut down downtown, the Last Mile Heroes of 𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗦. drive easily and efficiently through Leiden with the Stint Cargo to deliver packages. Just down the bike path at 20 km/h and with 250 kg payload.

Starting in 2025, Leiden will be one of about 40 municipalities in the Netherlands to have a zero emission zone for freight transport. One way to address this is to commit to Zero Emission Urban Distribution (ZES): supplying without emissions from freight and delivery traffic.

MOSS. is the leader in ZES and drives through Leiden with electric cargo bikes and, recently, the Stint Cargo. In doing so, they provide cleaner air, less transport movements and keep the downtown area easily accessible!

The vision of Mobilitum and MOSS. is a liveable city for all. Step by step we make more space for a livable, green and economically healthy downtown. 🍀🌳